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Upgrading docs from Documenter.jl to DocumenterVitepress.jl

Assuming that your current documentation is based on Documenter.jl, you can upgrade to DocumenterVitepress.jl by following these steps:

Let us suppose that you are working on a package named Example.jl that is part of a GitHub organization named ExampleOrg.

Then the very first step here is to update the make.jl file to follow the DocumenterVitepress.jl format.

  1. Go the the make.jl file in your docs folder and do the following necessary changes to upgrade to DocumenterVitepress.jl:

The make.jl file with Documenter.jl should look like this:

using Example
using Documenter

DocMeta.setdocmeta!(Example, :DocTestSetup, :(using Example); recursive=true)

    modules = [Example],
    repo = Remotes.GitHub("ExampleOrg", "Example.jl"),
    authors = "Jay-sanjay <>, and contributors",
    sitename = "Example.jl",
    format = Documenter.HTML(;
        canonical = "",
        edit_link = "main",
        assets = String[],
    pages = [
        "Home" => "",
        "Tutorials" => "",
        "API" => "",
        "Contributing" => ""

    repo = "",
    devbranch = "main",
stop any vitepress session
# you might need to stop the Vitepress server if it's running before
# updating or creating new files
try run(`pkill -f vitepress`) catch end
  1. Next, to build new docs from docs/src,
$ cd docs
docs $
  1. Then, in docs/, start a julia session and activate a new environment.
docs $ julia
julia> ]
pkg> activate .
  1. Add packages as necessary. Here, we will need
pkg> add DocumenterVitepress, Documenter
  1. Then run the make.jl file to build the documentation.
julia> include("make.jl")
  1. Finally, hit ; to enter the shell mode and run:
shell> npm i

The above command shall create a folder named node_modules and package-lock.json in your docs folder.

  1. Next, hit 'Backspace' to get back to the Julia REPL and run:
julia> DocumenterVitepress.dev_docs("build")
  1. Finally the live preview of your documentation at http://localhost:5173/Example.jl/ in your browser.