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DocumenterVitepress.jlDocument your code

A Markdown backend designed to work with VitePress and Documenter.jl


What is DocumenterVitepress.jl?

DocumenterVitepress is a Markdown backend for Documenter.jl which is designed to work with the VitePress site generator, which is built off Vue.js.

It is meant to be used in conjunction with the vitepress Node.js package, which is why so much customization is required!

Basic usage

  1. Import the package in make.jl,
  2. Pass format = DocumenterVitepress.MarkdownVitepress(...) to makedocs like so, replacing e.g. format = HTML(...):
using Documenter
using DocumenterVitepress
    format=DocumenterVitepress.MarkdownVitepress(repo = "...", devbranch = "...", devurl = "dev"),

and enjoy the fruits of your labour!

For more customizations, you can copy over some files like src/.vitepress/theme/style.css from the template directory of this repo to your docs folder, and experiment!