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DocumenterVitepress.jlDocument your code

A Markdown backend designed to work with VitePress and Documenter.jl


What is DocumenterVitepress.jl?

DocumenterVitepress is a Markdown backend for Documenter.jl which is designed to work with the VitePress site generator, which is built off Vue.js.

It is meant to be used in conjunction with the vitepress Node.js package, which is why so much customization is required!

Basic usage

If you copy the contents of the template/ directory into your docs/ and the .github/Documenter.yml file to your repo, you should be good to go and edit docs as usual!

Just remember to edit the navbar in docs/src/.vitepress/config.mts, if you want it to be different from the sidebar.

To install a logo or favicon, you can put logo.png and favicon.ico in docs/src/assets, and they will be automatically detected.